Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Future projects

1) Batters and pitchers analysis v. certain individual pitchers and batters, specifically the ones that don't suck.

2) Research into "percentage of good outings". Example. Soriano for the Braves. Has a damn good ERA, but I know for a fact that 2 times he's allowed runs have been in throwaway games anyways, so that ERA is does not reflect his true value. Note: WXRL may already take this into account? Note 2: Check to see how LEV is calculated--it may make those runs allowed in 5 runs games insignificant.

3) See how reliable's win probabilities are. Gotta be some shit that can be done there.

4) Run some regressions to figgur out what the most consistant stats are from year to year in small samples for pitchers. Try to go by number of outings, not necessarily number of innings. Relivers vary from outing to outing... not so much inning to inning when they get it.

5) Fuck you.

A wrestling note. Next monday is the draft special. Everyone and their mom and their mom's asshole is talking about who's going where, and everyone and their mom (but not her asshole) is calling that Beniot is getting moved, with Mysterio, Carlito, Umaga, and CM Punk being possibilities. Maybe.

Here's what I see. RAW is money. The end. As long as Cena floats around on there for kids to like, and as long as there are a few old timers like Flair, HHH, HBK, etc. on there, that show will be over 3.5 every time. It's the flagship show. I know no matter how shitty wrestling gets people like me will still watch it. Unless they change World Wrestling Entertainment to 'World Wbuttfucking Exhibition'. It's almost there anyways. But I digress. The point is, Smackdown is unstable, but that could be a function of the show being on a Friday night. I know I only watch it about 1 Friday a month. ECW is a shit show, with no REAL draws outside of Lashley. Sure, CM Punk gets ok pop, and Dreamer and a few others inspire nostalga, but they need REAL stars.

Keep in mind with the following that these are all possibilities, and what I personally think would rock. Usually, the WWE does shit I don't agree with, and then somehow pulls out a watchable product from what appears to be garbage writing. I thought the Cena-Umaga thing would be fucking horrible when it started, and it actually turned out pretty alright.

So here's what I think.

Umaga is going to Smackdown or ECW and immediately jumps into the title hunt. He can't feud Cena anymore (but the WWE could go that way just as a delay [rather than Orton] until HHH comes back to claim the belt). Edge v. Umaga would be an alright feud, but Lashley v. Umaga is already set up, and without McMahon interference could be pretty good.

Chris Beniot would be a great, great, great addition to ECW. He has the reason since he worked there in the 90's, and they have that sweet table powerbomb thing video to show to prove it. I'm not sure how you turn him heel at this point to feud Lashley, but turning CM Punk fully heel and having them fight for a non-existent mid-card title would be epic.

Jeff and Matt Hardy. This is a tough one. I think with them losing the belts on Monday that either they are going to team up on a non-RAW show, or they're heading for singles hell. I personally would LOVE to see them both shipped to ECW, where their style matches up, or send Jeff to ECW to feud with CM Punk and/or Burke. There probably wouldn't be room for all 3 guys I've mentioned so far, but it would make tons of sense to take 2 of the 3. If both are brought to ECW I would love to see a program built for an introduction of some tag belts. I think that's very possible, but the problem is there's just not enough good tag teams on ECW. Major Brothers, Burke and Brown, Dreamer and Sandman, RVD and Sabu, that's really about it. Hardys to Smackdown would be alright too. Them against Kendrick and London would be an epic new guys v. old guys thing. I think the point of this blurb is that the WWE has the most options with the Hardys. They are lucky to have them and it's a very dynamic situation.

Carlito and/or Chris Masters. These guys are lumped together because they're effectively in the same situation. They're both heels, they're both moderately over, and they both have potential star power in different demographics. If Carlito were still face I'd say to push him to Smackdown so he could fight MVP for the US Title, but now, I'm not so sure where to put these guys.

Trivia question I just thought of: Who even has the damn Cruiserweight belt right now? I know it isn't Helms since he's injured until May. Is it Chavo? I think it is.

Rey Mysterio is a guy that I believe is staying put on Smackdown. It makes sense to have him come back and immediately win the Cruiserweight belt. Plus they've been "showcasing" some big 6-man cruiserweight matches. I'd like to see them find a new tag team to mess with Deuce and Domino so Kendrick and London could go to the C-weight division. A field of Mysterio, Kendrick, London, and Chavo would lead to some epic battles. It would be so easy to do. Just have London snap and beat the shit out of Kendrick for no reason. London already looks heelish with his shitty little beard.

Cryme Tyme has NOT gotten a good push on RAW since the beginning, but they are definitely not jobbing either. I think the RAW article I read has them at like 9-3 this year or something. They are cartoons. Push them to Smackdown, break up L&K, and have them fight D&D. Their style match up. Two ground bruiser teams. I like it. Actually, now that I think about it, if Cryme Tyme is NOT shipping to Smackdown I'll be surprised. The way I see the tag situation shaping up is D&D v. Cryme Tyme v. Kane & Boogey on SDown, WGTT v. Cade and Murdoch v. Kenny & Nitro on RAW, with the Hardys being a wild card. There's a few others like the Brits and the Highlanders out there, and some random pairings, but I feel that would be the best way to go.

The following significant RAW guys are staying put I believe: Cena, Orton, HBK, HHH, Santino, Cade, Murdoch

Guys on RAW I wouldn't be surprised to see moved: Hacksaw, Eugene, Duggan, Venis, Viscera, (other HEAT people), Nitro, Kenny, Carlito, Benjamin, Haas, Masters, J Hardy, Cryme Tyme, Flair, Super Crazy, The Highlanders

Guys from SDown that are staying: Edge, Batista, MVP, Chavo, Boogeyman, London, Kendrick, (other cruiserweights), Finlay, Booker, Henry, Kane, Undertaker, Kennedy, Deuce, Domino

Guys on RAW I wouldn't be surprised to see moved: Mysterio, Benoit, Regal (to RAW to kick the shit out of Santino), Taylor
Guys from ECW that are staying: Lashley, Sandman, Dreamer, RVD, Burke, Brown, Striker, Major Brothers, Stevie Richards, Balls Mahoney

Guys that I don't expect to leave ECW, but may: CM Punk, Kevin Thorn

I'm pretty confident in all that. The only wacky stuff I could see would be to like, move the C-weight division to ECW as a sort of X-Division sort of thing. That wouldn't be too bad. They wouldn't even have to move the wrestlers to a different taping, but I guess it WOULD be live. I'm ok with that. Who wants to see Kendrick v. London v. Mysterio v. Punk in a ladder match for the belt? I know I do.


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