Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A lack of cognitive thought

Surprisingly, I have been avoiding pro wrestling the past few weeks. This Vince McMahon death angle is pretty stupid and offensive. I think it would be epic to see him get sued by all the stockholders. Baseball has been good, but it's still just the dregs of summer.

Right now I'm working on this project that is only possible thanks to the wonderful fancy pants people at Minitab. There is actually a published paper floating around out there in published-academia-land about fitting Pythagorean Wins to a 3-parameter Weibull distribution. Well Minitab can do that shit automatically it seems. As long as I could get my hands on some stupid data sets... then we'd be lookin' at something.

1st positive fact I've learned about Pennsylvania since I've been here: PBR is slightly cheaper.

1098317th negative fact I've learned about Pennsylvania since I've been here: shitting in your roommate's bed is rarely a good idea. But I haven't learned my lesson. We southerners are mighty slow.

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