Monday, May 28, 2007

WWE Stuff?

This is going to be a rant/analysis (out of boredom) about the various storylines going on in the WWE right now.

Cena v. Khali

I like Khali. The problem is he can't work a match longer than 5 minutes, so then it's pretty clear that there's no chance of a long headlining program with him. But that's not the purpose here. Cena just needs to ride this out until another headliner comes back from injury. Good work Khali. Your big fucking Indian ass has a true purpose, and that's to be big, hilarious, big, have huge nipples, and suck so bad at wrestling you rule.

Edge v. Batista?

This is just starting but it really is the only possibility for a long term feud on Smackdown. Batista sucks and should choke on a cock.

Hardys v. Cade and Murdoch

1) Cade and Murdoch need a defined gimmick. Like the gay cowboy and the gay redneck.
2) The weird line they have going on with the 'noble heel' is really well done. Cade (and to a lesser extent Murdoch) has a real future.
3) Nipples.

Deuce and Domino v. London and Kendrick

The D&D team sucks about as much as AD&D does. Lame.

Benoit v. MVP

At least the belt is off Benoit and this feud is about to end. I want Benoit to go to ECW and do stuff. I don't know what, but with RVD leaving, it could only be awesome if he jumped ship.

Kane and Boogey v. The British, Carlito v. Flair, Santino v. Masters, Burke v. Punk

Sadly, all these feuds have either run dry or have nothing to them. The British are NO threat to the weirdos, both CvF and BvP have gone on way too long and are pointless, and Santino is just too much smaller than Masters to build anything convincing. I just now realized how much the WWE disappoints me. And then I get to drive 6 hours tomorrow. Fuck that.

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