Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Opening fucking match.

I decided 2 days ago to do this. This will be my outlet for my ideas on baseball, professional wrestling (haha), video games, and other things I think are awesome. Like PBR. And applesauce.

Also there will be things here about things I think are lame. Like the punk rock/indie rock scene, high schoolers, small children, squirrels... you get the idea.

The first thing to do will be a list of things I hope to talk about in the next few days. 1) baseball data fitting, 2) Wrestlemania comments, 3) WWE storyline direction and possible statistics involving this, 4) WoW, and 5) ridiculous.

5) ESPN is on in the background. I've heard the fucking word "blogger" about 4 times since I started this god damn thing. I hate myself already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.