Thursday, March 22, 2007

HGH in "Sports"

I've been reading a lot of shit around the interweb about these "HGH scandals" within baseball and professional wrestling. First off, the obvious (and only) response to these outraged sportswriters and fans is "NO FUCKING SHIT". Of course these men are taking HGH. If it is seen that an easy way to make your living is to take steroids, and they take that from you, then what do you do? You go for option 2.

It wouldn't surprise me one damn bit if every wrestler since about 1996 has either taken or thought about taking HGH. A few like Mick Foley probably didn't. His flub grew naturally. But come on. NOBODY can look like Bobby Lashley or Chris Masters without juicing on something--other than each other's cocks.

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