Wednesday, May 16, 2007


As you fellers know, I am a huge pro wrestling fan. From RAW, all the way down to Chikara, I pretty much love it all. However, I am always disappointed by the "IWC"... Internet Wrestling Community. There are all these goobers running around, writing columns about various topics, and my general conclusion is that these fucks living in their mother's basement don't know snakes from dildos about anything.

Evidence. The article entitled Pro's From the Palace. His last article is talking about how ECW died with Vince as the champ, and also talks about how Tommy Dreamer's "reaction" on was just that--a reaction, a shoot, an honest opinion. He proposes the idea that Dreamer is truly offended at this storyling. Well, that's possible in some sense I believe, but c'mon. That's ridiculous. Who pays Dreamer's salary? Don't get me wrong, I love Tommy Dreamer and he really was/is the embodiment of what ECW was all about, but if he truly gave a fuck about ECW he would have jumped off of this WWECW creation long ago and gone back to the indies. No matter what his true feelings, it's clear that he has sold out--at least a LITTLE bit.

I still say the first ECW One Night Stand PPV is the last glimpse anyone is going to get of the old ECW. Now it's time to move on and cheer on ROH. It's a new era.

My last thought is about the IWC again. This "community" really is full of gibbering idiots. The baseball community that I'm active in is smart. People put forth ideas, run some stats if needed, propose their thoughts, but they always...ALWAYS... say them in a way that shows that nobody outside of a MLB front office knows anything--we can only guess. The IWC needs to quit pretending they are backstage, or on the creative staff, or used to drink beer and snort coke with Sabu back in 1995. Give me a fucking break.

And my last thought about this post in general. I believe there are 2 successful routes the WWECW can go in. If they don't hit one of these on the head, then we just have another version of Heat, or Shotgun Saturday Night. 1) Make it the original ECW. 2) Make it another Smackdown/Raw. Now I know these are obvious, and I know EVERYONE wants to see #1, but come on. It's impossible. The original ECW was in front of crowds about 1000 smart people on average I'd guess. That's so small, and promotes energy. Today the WWECW is in front of arenas of jackass children and yokels. Won't work. So as for #2, they are on their way. What do you need to make a show/belt respectable? Have a good champ. They have done that for the most part, with RVD, Big Show, and Lashley. Now the Vince thing. Nobody really LIKES it, but it gets the brand attention. Vince went from the huge Trump Wrestlemania thing, and now to ECW. That will give it attention clearly. Also, I am enjoying this McMahon-Lashley feud a lot. It just has a different feel than the other shitty McMahon feuds.

But. If in 6 months Dreamer, Sandman, RVD, Balls, Stevie Richards, etc. are all gone and there aren't good replacements at the level of CM Punk and Colt Cabana... I'll have a hard time watching. A show will not succeed at a marketing level with just the New Breed, Umaga, and Lashley as their top draw. I'm pretty sure of that. But hell... WWE creative may fuck up sometimes, but they hit one on the head other times as well. Get to it guys.

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